Monday, November 3, 2008

Free Internet Radio

Pandora, or "The Music Genome Project", is a free internet radio streaming service available to anyone with an internet connection and a modern web browser.

Granted, you can't put it on your iPod, but it's free and also a great way to learn about new music.

Go to the site and create a new account. Then you can log in and create "Stations". These stations are either a song or band name. Pandora then plays a song by that band that exemplifies the artist musically. You rate that song with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. If you like it, it continues playing that track. If you don't, it continues on to the next. Usually, the next track is a band/song that is sonically similar to the original you chose at the beginning.

I have found more new artists using Pandora than I would have normally. And while you can play with this in your browser, there are desktop, iphone/ipod touch, and mobile phone versions available.

Check it out!!!

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